For Businesses

1. Why bring mindfulness to the Workplace?

The increase in technology adoption and global connectivity provides convenient solutions for businesses and simultaneously presents human resources challenges.

In addition to professional knowledge and skills specific to the job, employees should also develop universal soft skills such as attention training, emotional management, creativity to enhance productivity, innovation, resilience and team success.  

Since 2007, Google has been among pioneering organizations to integrate mindfulness into corporate culture, helping employees reduce stress, increase creativity and concentration, improve relationships and overall wellbeing. Google’s training program is based on a three-pronged approach: mindfulness, emotional intelligence, and neuroscience.

Many organizations have followed Google's footsteps and incorporated mindfulness into businesses such as Nike, Apple, CocaCola, Intel, Aetna...

2. How can MindFitness support your Business?

We offer a variety of mindfulness training and practice solutions:

  1. Introductory workshops: online or in-office workshops that span from 90 minutes to 3 hours with the goal of introducing mindfulness tools to increase concentration, improve emotion and stress management
  2. Foundation courses: courses that span from 4-6 weeks to help participants build the habit of practicing mindfulness and being flexible in applying mindfulness in daily life for attention strengthening, emotional intelligence, stress management and conflict resolution.
  3. Periodic practices: practice sessions with the frequency of once every 1 or 2 weeks for employees who would like to join group practice or have questions about mindfulness applications. This is especially important in sustaining a practice routine.

Photo: Mindfulness practice at the World Economic Forum in Switzerland in 2015. Credit: Benedikt von Loebell