Resources on Mindfulness

Recommended books to learn more about mindfulness

The Whole-Brain Child

By Daniel Siegel & Tina Payne Bryson


The Mindful Child 

By Susan Kaiser Greenland


The Mindful Teen

By Dzung X Vo


Mindful Parenting

By Kristen Race


Mindfulness for Teachers

By Patricia A. Jennings


Search Inside Yourself

By Chade-Meng Tan



Altered Traits

By Daniel Golemand and Richard J. Davidson


Websites about mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence


Applications about mindfulness practice

  • Insight Timer: mindfulness and meditation community. Users can choose guided meditations or join courses by teachers around the world
  • Calm: mindfulness and meditation, specifically for sleep support and relaxation. Calm is highly rated and received multiple awards.
  • Headspace: mindfulness and meditation, with practice for kids. Headspace's products are especially diverse: focus, stress relief, sports activities, coping with loss...
  • Mindfully: help relax and sleep well, application developed by Vietnamese team in Vietnam
  • Calm Kids: mindfulness and yoga for kids, app developed by Vietnamese team in Silicon Valley, USA