For Schools

We are willing to listen to your School's needs and design the right products.

Diverse services for different customer groups:

1. Teachers and staff

  • Mindful Teacher course: covers basic knowledge of the brain and mindfulness in stress reduction and difficult emotions management, helping teachers to be more engaged and happy. The length of 6 weeks with MindFitness encourages participants to build practice habits
  • Mindfulness workshops: half-day (3 to 4 hours) or full-day (7 to 8 hours). Participants acquire basic knowledge and techniques about mindfulness and emotional management and are given recommended exercises to practice on their own.

2. Students

We construct mindfulness curriculum that integrates mindfulness and Social Emotional Learning for children aged 4 to 18, and assist in training your School's teachers to use the curriculum.

Key topics:

  • Introduction to the brain
  • Mindfulness foundation
  • Mindfulness and the five senses
  • Mindfulness application in daily life such as eating, studying, movement, thoughts, communication ...
  • Befriending with emotions
  • Dealing with difficult emotions
  • Cultivating resilience skills and stress management
  • Building healthy relationships

The curriculum includes 14-16 lectures depending on the age, and can be taught in 30 minutes continuously or divided into two parts, 15 minutes each.

Teachers can choose to teach the entire curriculum in one semester during mindfulness class or during Homeroom session, or they can combine the mindfulness curriculum with other subjects such as Life Skills, SEL, extracurricular activities…

Training teachers to use the curriculum:

  • Since teachers are role models for students, teachers need to practice mindfulness for themselves before they can teach students mindfulness. Therefore, a Mindful Teacher course or an equivalent training certificate is a prerequisite.
  • Mindful Teacher Advanced course: includes content related to building a mindful classroom, mindfulness teaching methods, handling difficult situations, and practice assessment.
  • MindFitness provides lesson plans to support teachers to use MindFitness curriculum for students


3. Parents

The partnership between School and Parents is an important factor in helping children build a mindfulness practice habit.

We are willing to support your School in organizing seminars/workshops on mindfulness and Social Emotional Learning so that parents can get on board and even practice with students.